Femobook A68 Electric Grinder Review┃MikFlores Coffee


【Mike - A Coffee Enthusiast with Engineering Background from USA】

Mike is a coffee content YouTuber from Texas, USA. He is not only a seasoned coffee enthusiast but also an engineer.

Leveraging his professional background and passion for coffee, he dives deep into home brewing techniques and coffee equipment reviews on his YouTube channel, gaining recognition for his precise data analysis and rational approach.

Mike’s video style is both professional and practical. His analytical perspective helps viewers gain a clearer understanding of the grinder’s structure, performance, and actual grinding results.

For those who are passionate about high-quality coffee experiences, his insights serve as a valuable reference!

【Tool-Free Quick Disassembly – Easier Cleaning and Maintenance】

Mike highlights that the A68 electric coffee grinder is crafted from aluminum alloy and features a magnetic design.

This allows all components to be disassembled tool-free and effortlessly reassembled, making maintenance simple and intuitive. He believes that this design not only makes cleaning and maintenance more convenient but also adds a bit of fun to the process.

In addition to its quick-release design, the A68’s bean hopper serves a dual purpose.

It not only prevents coffee beans from bouncing out during grinding but also functions as a safety feature, effectively preventing accidental finger contact with the burrs and significantly lowering the risk of injury [1].

Furthermore, Mike points out that the A68’s burrs, central shaft, and bearings are all mounted on a detachable burr chamber, similar to the motor and hand grinder combination concept[2].

This modular design reassures him as it eliminates concerns about incorrect assembly affecting grinding results, ultimately enhancing stability and user experience.



Femobook's Editor

1. This grinder includes a safety mechanism that requires proper alignment between the bean hopper lock and the motor base slot before the machine can be activated.

2. Most electric grinders on the market have their motor and burrs directly linked, which can lead to inconsistency in grind results due to motor fluctuations. The Femobook A68 separates the motor from the burr assembly, ensuring stability while allowing for quick disassembly and easy cleaning.

【Streamlined Workflow – A More Efficient Coffee Brewing Experience】

According to Mike, compared to other electric grinders, the A68 is more intuitive to operate eliminating unnecessary pre-grinding preparation steps.

The grind cup is designed with the same diameter as a standard portafilter[1], allowing coffee grounds to be poured directly into the portafilter for effortless tamping and espresso preparation. This minimizes extra steps and makes the overall workflow smoother and more efficient.

Mike emphasizes that when choosing an electric grinder, minimizing unnecessary operational steps is one of his top priorities. He believes the focus of coffee brewing should be on the flavor rather than being hindered by overly complicated equipment procedures.

Despite the slightly larger power adapter and noticeable operational noise, he finds the A68’s grinding performance excellent, with a smooth and intuitive workflow.

Its intuitive workflow gives him confidence in the product and enhances his enjoyment while using it. Additionally, he mentions that if the power cord is too long for a specific setup, users can replace it with a custom-length cord to better fit their needs[2].



Femobook's Editor

1. The A68’s grind cup has a 58mm diameter, making it compatible with standard 58mm portafilters.

2. To provide sufficient torque, especially for fine espresso grinding with light-roasted beans, the A68 is the only model that meets national regulatory certification while delivering high torque performance. The power cable has been intentionally extended for more convenient storage.

【Mike’s Review: Effortless Disassembly and Highly Satisfying】

Mike finds the A68 electric grinder particularly impressive for espresso brewing. It delivers uniform grinding, enhancing the coffee’s complexity and stability in flavor.

The stepped grind adjustment mechanism is intuitive, though remembering previous settings might not be intuitive. However, for pour-over enthusiasts, this grinder remains a strong contender worth considering.

Beyond grinding performance, Mike also stresses that selecting an electric grinder isn't just about price—it’s about whether it truly meets personal needs.

For example, the A68’s magnetic tool-free disassembly significantly enhances convenience, particularly for users like Mike, who prefer an easy-to-maintain machine.

While the power adapter is slightly large, this does not affect Mike’s overall experience. He believes that when a grinder meets his expectations in terms of operation, grind quality, and cleaning convenience, minor details like this are negligible. In conclusion, he is highly satisfied with the A68 and enjoys using it[1].



Femobook's Editor

1. Mike mentions that while the adjustment mechanism may not be the most intuitive. However, if users forget their previous settings, it only takes a few seconds to reset and recalibrate.

Note: The content above is excerpted from the YouTube video by《MikFlores Coffee.

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